Thursday, September 20, 2012


      I think the one time I really felt free is when I took a week long vacation to New Hampshire with my dad to visit my aunt. It was last summer and I just found out that a baseball camp I was attending was actually a week later then what I thought it was. It was only my father and me at home because my  mother and my sister were in Costa Rica. After finding out the correct date of the camp we realized that we had a complete week to do whatever so we decided to take a trip to New Hampshire. We called my aunt that night, packed some stuff and left the next morning. I think that was a good start to the trip because we did not have any of the stress that comes with packing and trying to think of everything we need on the trip. Instead we just decided we would pack some clothes and anything else we needed we would just buy on the way. The ride up there was very peaceful and even though it was long, it was very enjoyable. We got to New Hampshire to my aunts lake house and unpacked. We realized we didn't have any plans or anything that we had to do so we could make up our own schedule and relax. The reason why I felt like this was the time I was the most free because the way I felt. I had no worries about due dates, or being somewhere on time. My mind was finally free from the constant drag of everyday scheduling and work. I realized that I could think more clearly and had the time to think about anything I wanted to without any outside stress interrupting me. I might not have been free but I felt as free as I had ever been from my life.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

       I think it is true that life consist of fundamental choices that lie entirely with in the human person and allow them to engage in the world differently. I think they way someone looks at life depends on the choices they make and how they look at situations. I think it is a very credible idea because a person can change how they look at the world by the choices they make to others and to themselves. These choices consist of telling yourself to be more patient while in the long check out line or realizing that we need to stop sometimes and absorb what is going on around us. Most of the people in today's society make choices that directly affect themselves for the best way possible. We also need to slow down and consider others as a factor and a direct effect of our choices.
       I would like to think that I take the time to look around me and be aware of what is going on before I make choices but I don't. As David Foster was talking about, it is hardwired into me that I am the center of the universe and everything revolves around me. They way I look at other people revolve around me. I usually make choices that affect myself like maybe if I am driving and I see someone behind me that wants to get over and I don't let them, I am thinking of myself and not of the other person's needs. In my mind it is fair because the other person way being a jerk for trying to get by me but in reality they might have needed to get around me for a very important reason. I would like to make choices that affect other people positively and automatically think in that way. It is hard to do that even if I am thinking about it.
      Even when I am trying to think about other people it is very hard to make choices that may put myself after others because I am worried about the effect it might have on me. Again I think the universe revolves around me so that means when I make a decision I am going to be the first person I think of when deciding who it is going to affect and how. Even if I try to be nice I might end up making the selfish decision because I thought that the cost of being nice was too much. Maybe it being paying for someone else's lunch when they don't have the money but after school I wanted to get some new shoes. Even if I want to make the good decisions it is still very hard to.
         I noticed that there were a lot of people clapping when David Foster was using sarcasm to explain how other people may have more important things to do then us. There was also a time when Foster was talking about how the people in hummers are just selfish and being horrible with gas and just bad people in general and the crowd thought that he was being serious but in reality he was making fun of how narrow minded the people were being for getting on another peson. I think this is a indication of the people being too wrapped up in their beliefs that they think they are right and everyone else with a hummer is wrong.
        I thought this directly corresponded back to the story he told about the atheist and the christian who were arguing about how the atheist life was saved. The christian thought it was because he prayed to God but the atheist thought it had nothing to do with God but just some people came and saved him. He was explaining how the two people were so caught up in their beliefs that they thought each other were wrong. They didn't want to believe anything else then what they thought was right because they knew they were right. I think this goes hand in hand with the people that were laughing while David Foster were making fun of them in his speech.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

      Camus demonstrates Caligula's heart by Caligula wanting something. Caligula went out and ran away from the kingdom for a while to go get the moon. The moon represents his wants and desires and how they are impossible. Caligula's natural wants and desires can not be fulfilled by his reality which makes him very confused. Caligula is tired from walking because he did not get what he wanted and he came back to the kingdom without fulfilling his wants and desires. The patricians think that Caligula is foolish and is just being a child. They think that all they have to do is give him some time and he will be back to normal in no time. They think that his wants and desires, or his heart, can be forgotten or distracted by other things over time. At one point one of the patricians gives an example about his wife dying and now he has completely forgotten about her and has moved on. I do not agree with their view because it is very cruel and heartless to move on from something like a death of a loved one. To distract his wants and desires go against his human nature. I don't think over time he will forget about his loved one and move on.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

object with factors

         My phone is a Droid so it is very business oriented with a lot of functions and things you can do on it. Unlike an Apple phone a Droid is used for function instead of looks or being user friendly. The phone has the ability to be used in different countries, work as an e-reader, and type documents that directly save to an account. Even though all of these capabilities are there I only use it for texting, talking, and playing games. I do not know how to navigate the phone very well and never really used its full potential. I just see it as a texting, talking, game machine. I am sure some other people. that have more knowledge about the phone, know how to work it better than I do. Sometimes when I have no use for it at the moment I might just use it as a paper weight when the fan is on in my house. The people that know how to use it better probably would tell me I am using it wrong but I don't have that much knowledge about the phone so I cant use it to its full potential.

Monday, September 3, 2012

What makes me happy?

      There are many answers to the question that I do not really know yet but I do know a couple. I believe family makes me happy. Being with my family, whether it is at a party or a small get together, makes me happy because any time my family collects into one room we always laugh and have a good time. There are many things that links my family together like laughter, love, and being thoughtful. Another thing that makes me happy is having a good time with friends. Just relaxing with no stress is always a good thing and I think its one of the things that makes me happy. I think if you are around people you like and get along with it is always going to be fun. Playing sports also make me happy. Just being active outside can be fun. Sometimes it is not that 'Best memory in my life' moment but on a day to day basis it makes me happy and I don't dread doing it. It seems like all of the things that I have listed have to do with having fun and being active. I think that is a big part of my personality but I also have a side that likes to do good things for other people. I also like going on food runs because I get the instant feeling that I am helping people. Even if I don't feel like doing it before, I feel a lot better after I actually do it and I knew it was worth it. Just making someones day or doing little deeds makes me happy too. If I can make someone's day that is pretty much a great day for me too. It can be something little like holding a door for someone, completmenting what someone is wearing, or just talking to the cashier at a store. I try to do good things and that makes me happy. People say that material objects cant make you happy and I think as I get older I begin to see that more and more. As a child I remember when my grandmother would take me into the dollar store with my sister and hand both of use a five dollar bill. In my eyes I could just buy about everything in that toy section and to me she was the best grandmother in the world. But the next day right of cue the toy would break and my short intention span would forget about it until the next time I would visit grandma and the whole cycle would start all over again. Back then material things meant the world to me and I am not talking about sentimental objects like a coin collection from my dad but like toys and candy and things that were out of my $4.37 budget. As I started to get older I became bored of things that I would normally find amusing and I started to spend time with my family and friends and discovering the more important things in life that make me happy.

Hello My Name Is...

       If someone were to ask me 'Who are you?' I would probably answer by saying- My name is Kevin.  I play baseball and dabble in soccer. I have family in Costa Rica and I visit there a lot. I have several brothers and sisters and one dog with a cone on its head. I would tell them that I was in boy scouts until I was about 9 and that my baseball team made it into the championship and lost two games to one last year. My family is probably the most cherished and valuable thing in my life. They have always been there when I needed them the most. I have a lot of family so it is always a good time getting together with them. I am Catholic and most of my family is Catholic. Some of my extended family are not and they have certain reasons for it that I can respect. I have a set of morals that I don't like making decisions without. If you were to ask some of my friends about my morals they would probably laugh and say "Yah he has a MORAL CODE". It is very important to me because those are rules that I live by in any situation. If I did not have them I would be lost. As I mentioned before I have family in Costa Rica. They are a pretty big family that is very close. They are very family oreinted. Most of them live in the same neiborhood. This is important to me because everyone is watching out for each other and it is really fun having everyone around. Some of my hopes in life is have a successful career in the medical field, get married and have children, and to just be happy overall. I hope my life is very balanced.