Monday, September 3, 2012

What makes me happy?

      There are many answers to the question that I do not really know yet but I do know a couple. I believe family makes me happy. Being with my family, whether it is at a party or a small get together, makes me happy because any time my family collects into one room we always laugh and have a good time. There are many things that links my family together like laughter, love, and being thoughtful. Another thing that makes me happy is having a good time with friends. Just relaxing with no stress is always a good thing and I think its one of the things that makes me happy. I think if you are around people you like and get along with it is always going to be fun. Playing sports also make me happy. Just being active outside can be fun. Sometimes it is not that 'Best memory in my life' moment but on a day to day basis it makes me happy and I don't dread doing it. It seems like all of the things that I have listed have to do with having fun and being active. I think that is a big part of my personality but I also have a side that likes to do good things for other people. I also like going on food runs because I get the instant feeling that I am helping people. Even if I don't feel like doing it before, I feel a lot better after I actually do it and I knew it was worth it. Just making someones day or doing little deeds makes me happy too. If I can make someone's day that is pretty much a great day for me too. It can be something little like holding a door for someone, completmenting what someone is wearing, or just talking to the cashier at a store. I try to do good things and that makes me happy. People say that material objects cant make you happy and I think as I get older I begin to see that more and more. As a child I remember when my grandmother would take me into the dollar store with my sister and hand both of use a five dollar bill. In my eyes I could just buy about everything in that toy section and to me she was the best grandmother in the world. But the next day right of cue the toy would break and my short intention span would forget about it until the next time I would visit grandma and the whole cycle would start all over again. Back then material things meant the world to me and I am not talking about sentimental objects like a coin collection from my dad but like toys and candy and things that were out of my $4.37 budget. As I started to get older I became bored of things that I would normally find amusing and I started to spend time with my family and friends and discovering the more important things in life that make me happy.

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