Thursday, September 20, 2012


      I think the one time I really felt free is when I took a week long vacation to New Hampshire with my dad to visit my aunt. It was last summer and I just found out that a baseball camp I was attending was actually a week later then what I thought it was. It was only my father and me at home because my  mother and my sister were in Costa Rica. After finding out the correct date of the camp we realized that we had a complete week to do whatever so we decided to take a trip to New Hampshire. We called my aunt that night, packed some stuff and left the next morning. I think that was a good start to the trip because we did not have any of the stress that comes with packing and trying to think of everything we need on the trip. Instead we just decided we would pack some clothes and anything else we needed we would just buy on the way. The ride up there was very peaceful and even though it was long, it was very enjoyable. We got to New Hampshire to my aunts lake house and unpacked. We realized we didn't have any plans or anything that we had to do so we could make up our own schedule and relax. The reason why I felt like this was the time I was the most free because the way I felt. I had no worries about due dates, or being somewhere on time. My mind was finally free from the constant drag of everyday scheduling and work. I realized that I could think more clearly and had the time to think about anything I wanted to without any outside stress interrupting me. I might not have been free but I felt as free as I had ever been from my life.

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